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Pumpkin Juice Kombucha

If you want bubbly kombucha, then this recipe is one of the most bubbly kombuchas we've ever had. Pumpkin is a prebiotic so it feeds good bacteria, makes it grow and multiply, and makes for lots of bubbles!
Course: Beverages
Servings: 1 serving


Pumpkin Juice:

Pumpkin Juice Kombucha

  • 2 ounces Pumpkin Juice (1/4 cup)
  • 14 ounces Kombucha plain


Pumpkin Juice:

  • Blend all ingredients for Pumpkin Juice until combined.
  • This will make a large amount, enough for several bottles of kombucha. If you don't use it all, you can store the rest in the fridge for up to one week.

Pumpkin Juice Kombucha:

  • Pour 2 ounces of Pumpkin Juice into a 16-ounce bottle.
  • Pour 14 ounces of Plain Kombucha into the rest of the bottle leaving a small amount of room (about 1 inch) at the top.
  • Cap your bottle and allow to ferment for 5-14 days.
  • Check it often by opening it to see if it is bubbly.


You can also use Pumpkin Juice to second ferment Water Kefir! 
