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Lemon-Lime Kefir Soda

I came up with this recipe out of necessity. With an overabundance of fruit trees in my new backyard, I had to think of ways to use them. The presence of white grape juice in this recipe provides the sugar content needed for the cultures to consume and make probiotics! It doesn't hinder the citrus flavor and helps provide the fizz!
After fermentation and they're in the fridge, pop the top every day to release the pressure. These can get a lot of pressure and are super bubbly. You'll want to check them often to release the pressure.


  • 32-ounce bottle Make sure you use thick glass bottles made for brewing. Craft store bottles will explode.


Lemon Lime Kefir Soda

  • ¾ cup lemon juice 2 large lemons juiced
  • ¼ cup lime juice 2-3 key limes juiced
  • 1 cup white grape juice
  • 1 packet Kefir Soda Starter Or ½ cup Kefir Whey
  • Water spring or filtered with minerals lightly filtered or spring



  • Add the Kefir Soda Starter packet OR kefir whey to your juice and stir till dissolved.
  • Fill the rest of the bottle with water leaving an inch of room at the top.
  • Allow it to ferment for 3-7 days or until bubbly and fizzy. If your home is 75°F or warmer it will usually take 3-4 days. Colder homes can take 5 days or longer, but you'll need to check it by popping the top and see if it's getting fizzy. It will start to bubble out the top if it does.
  • When it's done, place it in the fridge right away. You can pour it into a glass and enjoy it right away, but keep it stored in the fridge or it will explode. Consume within 1-2 weeks for the best flavor and most benefit.

Re-Culturing From Your First Bottle

  • You can use ½ cup of this finished kefir soda as a starter to make a new bottle. Add the other ingredients and ferment again. It should only take a half to a full day to ferment. It ferments faster on subsequent batches and you can make many bottles over and over again! 
