Prebio Plus is food for your bacteria.
Prebio Plus has three different strains of prebiotics, making it three times as effective as other prebiotics on the market today.
- Organic Inulin (Blue Agave Leaf from Mexico)
- Organic Acacia (Acacia Tree from Africa)
- Fructooligosaccharides (Chicory Root from Chile)
Put it in your coffee!
If you're trying to get healthy, then probiotic foods can make a world of difference. Adding a prebiotic (which is food for your bacteria) will make the good bacteria grow like crazy and supercharge your probiotics.
Prebiotics are just as important as probiotics, and you should use them together. Prebiotics naturally reside in all kinds of fruits, vegetables, and some nuts & other foods. However, we found some of the strongest sources of prebiotics and placed them in an easy to use powder form.
Without prebiotics, your good bacteria could never grow like it's supposed to. Eating cultured probiotic foods adds colonies of bacteria to your gut. Adding prebiotics to your diet makes these colonies grow and grow, crowds out pathogens, and helps to reestablish the balance of good bacteria in strong numbers. Essentially, prebiotics serve as fertilizer for the bacteria in your colon. This can help strengthen your immune system to resist infections and viruses. It also helps to remove toxins and a host of other things that your bacteria is designed to do. But if you don't have the healthy strains of good bacteria from cultured foods, as well as the prebiotics to make them grow, your gut flora can't change into what it needs to be.
Prebio Plus for Special Yogurts

Prebio Plus is perfect for making L. reuteri and L. gasseri which requires a prebiotic since these yogurts ferment for 36 hours.
Prebio Plus is perfect for increasing the probiotics in these yogurts with their special blend of prebiotics.
We also have a SIBO yogurt that combines the two yogurts to make a powerful combo when combatting SIBO. (small bacterial overgrowth)
Weight Loss and Prediabetes
When overweight adults took 21 grams of inulin per day, their hunger hormone levels decreased and their fullness hormone levels increased.[1]
In another 18-week study, forty-four prediabetic individuals consumed either inulin[2] or cellulose (another type of fiber) supplementation. Each one had four visits to a dietitian to obtain a 5% weight loss, which they all achieved by week 9. Those taking inulin lost significantly more weight between 9 and 18 weeks and scored better on liver tests, blood sugar, and lipid profile independent of weight loss. There are many more studies that indicate that inulin can also help with weight loss. Increasing your consumption of these special fibers helps to keep you healthy in so many ways. [3][4][5]
Each scoop is equal to one teaspoon.