Bulgarian Yogurt Starter

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Bulgarian yogurt is one of the most popular yogurt varieties - and making it at home gives you control over the ingredients, making it much healthier.

This Bulgarian starter produces a delicious, rich, and creamy homemade yogurt.


  • Lactose
  • s.thermophilus
  • l.bulgaricus
  • Bifido lactis
  • L. rhamnosus

Store in the freezer for up to 2 years

Each packet of yogurt culture will direct set 1 quart to a gallon of milk into thick creamy-style yogurt with a bit of a tang. Can be re-cultured by adding 2 tsp yogurt to the next batch of milk. Or fill an ice-cube tray with your completed yogurt, cover it with plastic wrap, and place in the freezer. Next batch of milk to make yogurt add 2 defrosted cubes, then incubate. We include directions and troubleshooting tips. Ingredients: Lactose, cultures (s.thermophilus, L. bulgaricus), and probiotic cultures (Bifido lactis, L.rhamnosus).

For a Greek Style yogurt, simply drain your homemade yogurt, in two layers of Butter Muslin, for 1-2 hours.

Each bag contains:

1 packet of yogurt starter culture.

Shipping and Storage Information:

Our Bulgarian starter culture is shipped in a barrier-sealed packet as a freeze-dried yogurt culture.
Refrigeration recommended
Use by date on the bag.

Bulgarian Yogurt

One of the most common bacterial cultures used in yogurt around the world is native to Bulgaria and named for the country: Lactobacillus bulgaricus.  L. bulgaricus can hinder harmful bacteria and supply the colon with beneficial bacteria which are known to boost immunity and help replenish the healthy bacteria in our bodies and heal the gut.
Legend has it that the French king Francis I of France was suffering from a serious case of fatal diarrhea which was leading him to extreme dehydration. His advisors, started him on a special diet consisting of regular consumption of traditional Bulgarian yogurt. And lo and behold – not long after that – the illness was cured. 
 Elie Metchnikoff won a Nobel Prize in 1908 for identifying a link between the digestive system and the immune system. His work demonstrates that by manipulating our intestinal microbiome with friendly bacteria we can enhance our health and boost our immune system's healing power. He also found one of the main reasons people develop illnesses and age faster was due to intestinal auto-intoxication. He also found that the probiotics in the Bulgarian yogurt tend to inhibit the growth of the colon bacteria that stimulate this auto-intoxication. As a result, Bulgarians and people from Russian started, consuming large amounts of traditional yogurt and kefir, and have been found to live longer and healthier lives.


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  • Heat 4 cups of milk to 185ºF, then cool to 112ºF.
  • Add yogurt culture and mix well.
  • Pour contents into a yogurt maker or container leaving the lid off the yogurt, but placing the lid on the yogurt maker. Add water to the yogurt maker if the manufactures instructions require it.
  •  Let the milk incubate at 112°F for 5-7 hours or until the yogurt has thickened to desired consistency. If using a lower temperature ferment for at least 7-8 hours.
  • Place a lid on the yogurt and place it in the refrigerator to thicken and chill. It should last several weeks in the fridge.


  •  Instead of adding yogurt culture, add approximately 1 tablespoon of prepared yogurt, per quart of milk.
  • Re-culture every 7-10 days to keep the yogurt bacteria healthy and active.
  • After multiple rounds of re-culturing, your yogurt may not fully set the milk. At this point, start the whole process over with a fresh yogurt culture.


For a thicker yogurt, before heating add 3 tablespoons of milk powder.