Sprouts – Super Trio (Alfalfa, Broccoli, & Radish)

These are yummy super greens — broccoli, radish, and alfalfa. Broccoli sprouts are connected to hormone balance due to their effect on how the body breaks down estrogen. In other words, broccoli sprouts may help protect the body against cancer by reducing the spread of cancerous cells and supporting the body to eliminate harmful substances. Sprouts are superfoods! It only takes a few minutes a day and you’ll have crisp refreshing sprouts that are loaded with nutrients in less than a week. They can be grown easily and quickly in any climate and don’t rely on soil or sun. They require only a few resources and create no waste. Plus they have tremendous health benefits and don’t require cooking. Eighteenth-century sea captains employed them to prevent scurvy on long passages.
Check out the many benefits of sprouts in this article.
Why You Should Be Growing and Eating Sprouts In a Jar


Every ingredient with a link was selected by me to make it easier for you. I may receive a small affiliate commission if you buy something through my links. Thank you! ❤️


  • Use a clean glass quart jar.
  • Add two tablespoons of the 3-Part Salad Seed Mix ( and fill the mason jar with two cups of water. Two tablespoons of these seeds will grow into 2-3 cups of sprouts.
  • Screw on the sprouting lid to the jar. Soak the seeds for 4-6 hours at room temperature.
  • Strain off the water through the sprouting lid. Rinse the seeds with water and drain again.
  • Place the jar away from sunlight upside down at an angle. I use a small bowl.
  • Continue to rinse and drain the seeds with water twice a day. The whole process will take 5-6 days.
  • Most sprouts grow to an inch and they will start to turn green.
  • Sprouts are at their best when they’re still on the relatively small side and just starting to turn green.
  • Add a lid to the top of the jar and store it in the refrigerator. Eat within a week for the best nutrients and taste.