Persimmon Apple Pie with Einkorn Crust

Persimmons are one of my favorite fall fruits. They are loaded with pectin, which is good for your gut, and also have a ton of vitamin A. Persimmons taste sweet like honey and make a wonderful complement to apple pie. Make sure you use Fuyu persimmons that are round and orange in color. They are other types of persimmons too but these are the best ones for this pie. This pie has a delicious einkorn crust which is one of my very favorites since it's so flaky and buttery. You can also substitute other pie crusts too that will taste equally good. If you haven't tried persimmons then you're missing out. They make smoothies thick like mousse due to the pectin in them. They freeze beautifully and stay soft ready for any dish. Persimmons are a wonderful addition to any fall menu.
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