Cashew L. Reuteri Yogurt

This is a great non-dairy version of L. Reuteri Yogurt that is made with raw cashews. It's thick and creamy. Since we leave the cashews in the milk, this yogurt has a lot of prebiotics, which the microbes eat as a fuel source, so you need less Prebio Plus. Cashews contain calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, and vitamin K, which may promote healthy bones and muscles. They are high in protein, healthy fats, fiber, and other nutrients and have many health benefits. Cashews contain 83 milligrams of magnesium per 1-ounce serving, which is 20% of the recommended daily value.
Due to their high magnesium content, cashews may lower bad cholesterol and help to prevent heart disease. Getting enough magnesium is so important and may reduce your risk of ischemic heart disease and stroke, which happens when your heart doesn't get enough blood.
We use guar gum to thicken our non-dairy yogurts. Guar gum is also a prebiotic fiber that is actually a bean. It is high in fiber and helps to normalize bowel movements be it constipation or diarrhea. It also might help decrease the amount of cholesterol and glucose that is absorbed in the stomach and intestines. Guar gum is 100% natural and made from guar beans.
See this important info about the equipment needed.
Cook Time1 day 12 hours



  • 2 cups cashews rawsoaked for 4 hours
  • 3.5 cups water
  • 1 package L. Reuteri Superfood Yogurt Starteror 2 tablespoons of L. reuteri yogurt from a previous batch
  • ½ tablespoon Prebio PlusThere are lots of prebiotics in cashews, so less is needed.
  • 1 tablespoon Guar gum

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Before you begin

  • This recipe takes exactly 36 hours to ferment. So it's best to start either early morning or later in the evening.
  • Make sure the equipment you're using is able to maintain exactly 97-98°F for 36 hours.

Let's begin!

  • Strain the cashews and place them, along with the 3.5 cups of fresh water, in a high-speed blender. Blend for 90 seconds.
  • Add the guar gum and Prebio Plus to the blender for about 15-20 seconds until the mixture thickens. Check the temperature and let it cool to 100°F. Blending it can make the mixture hot.
  • Add this mixture to a bowl, preferably with a spout, and whisk in one sachet of L. Reuteri Superfood starter culture. This distributes the good bacteria throughout the mixture. Mix well for even distribution. Do not blend.
  • Place in jars, or jar, and cover lightly with plastic wrap or loose-fitting lids. Ferment at 98 – 100°F for 36 hours, away from the airflow of air vents/heaters/air conditioning, etc. Do not stir while fermenting.
  • When done, remove jars from the appliance, keep the lids loosely on the jars, and refrigerate. If you tighten your lids while the yogurt is still warm, it may build up pressure and cause your glass jars to break. Once the yogurt has chilled in the fridge, then you can tighten the lids.
  • This will keep in the fridge for up to 4 weeks. Separation is normal with cashew milk so just stir it back together before consuming it if you'd like.


  • To Reculture: To make a new batch, repeat these instructions, but use two tablespoons of a previous batch of your cultured L. Reuteri Cashew Yogurt as your starter. You also should use one tablespoon of Prebio Plus when reculturing.