Probiotic Foods For The 4th of July
✨Keeping your gut healthy 🇺🇸
If you’re new to cultured foods, then let me help you understand how epic these foods are, and especially during parties. Cultured foods are loaded with probiotics, extra vitamins, and enzymes. They help your body heal by adding billions of probiotics to your gut. They rebuild your microbiome and this helps you digest your food, reduces inflammation, helps your blood sugar stay stable, and boosts your immune system. They even help add the bacteria your body needs to heal many digestive issues and even food allergies. These microbes help reduce cholesterol by using it as a food source and also help the kidneys reduce toxins as well. They do so many things that I've dedicated my life to helping others understand how crucial it is to feed and take care of our ten trillion microbes. It's important!
The Probiotics in Cultured Foods Consume Sugars
The good microbes contained in cultured foods consume sugars, and when you ingest them they help bring balance to the body. For instance, let's say you have them as a condiment at your party table, be it a glass of kombucha, kefir soda, a dip, or salad dressing. These foods will help you digest all the food you eat with them. They can keep you from overeating since they are so nutrient-dense, and they also keep your blood sugar more balanced. I just love them and appreciate how they work in my body when I need them to. I wish I could tell you how often I reach for these foods when I need extra help.
Let's say you eat too much. One of the best things you can do is to drink some kombucha. The liver gets stressed when we overeat, and kombucha helps bring it back into balance. Kefir can help to soothe the gut, remove harmful pathogens, and calm your central nervous system. A glass loads you with extra vitamin B12, minerals such as zinc, and lots of vitamin C. These are just a few of the many nutrients you will receive from cultured foods as each one can do different things. Cultured foods will flood your gut with billions of helpers that know exactly what to do to help you stay healthy. Take a look at some of the cultured recipes (see below) you can serve at your 4th of July meal. They’re all fun and easy to make and are mostly side dishes. Your gut will thank you even if you only have one at your 4th of July meal. Happy 4th of JULY!!
✨ 4th of July Appetizers ✨
This onion dip is a family favorite and we have made this so many times I have lost count. My huband makes it for so many of our family gatherings. It contains only a few ingredients, it's fun to make, and it's loaded with lots of probiotics.
Apple Nut and Cheese dip is quite addictive. So many people have told me how much they love it and are surprised by the flavors and combinations of ingredients. It's wonderful at 4th of July parties, and you can be sure that someone will ask for the recipe. Just you wait and see!
✨ 4th of July Probiotic Fruits ✨
I eat a lot of berries and they are a mainstay in my life in so many ways. I know my gut bacteria love berries (prebiotics) and they keep me energized. Those red pigments keep my skin and heart healthy. Strawberries are also the fifth-best source of vitamin C and they also help regulate your blood sugar. Your body and microbes love berries!
✨ 4th of July Sides ✨
These are two of my favorite sides for the 4th of July. The potato salad becomes a resistant starch because the potatoes have been cooked and cooled. Resistant starch feeds bifidobacteria in a powerful way which in turn boosts your immune system and a million other things.
This Fairest Salad in the Land is so good with its pecan topping. The lemon kefir dressing is a must-have salad dressing in your fridge. It's super easy to make and loaded with probiotics.
✨ 4th of July Probiotic Drinks ✨
Kefir soda and kombucha both have a powerful probiotic yeast (S. boulardii) that makes these drinks bubbly. S. boulardii is also a powerful detoxifier and it works its magic by stealing metabolites from pathogens so they die and exit the body, all the while helping to heal and seal your gut.
✨ 4th of July Breakfast ✨
Most mornings I have a smoothie with kefir or L reuteri yogurt - or both. I really think this daily routine is one of the things that has had the most impact on my health. Start the morning with probiotics and it's a win-win.
I make my strawberry lemon scones for special occasions. My daughters will ask for them on their birthdays for breakfast and even when we want to have a tea party, which we do a lot. You can even switch out the strawberries for blueberries which is delicious too!
✨ Summer eBooks! ✨
It's summer time! So if you're a Biotic Pro Member, be sure to grab my three summer eBooks!
- Probiotic Summer Desserts
- Probiotic Summer Foods
- Probiotic Summer Drinks
These eBooks are available for my Biotic Pro Members through the end of August.
✨ Listen To My Podcast ✨
If you’re new to cultured foods, let me help you understand how epic these foods are, especially during parties. Cultured foods are loaded with probiotics, extra vitamins, and enzymes and will keep your microbiome flourishing and cravings for bad foods down to a minimum. Tune in to learn foods you can make for your next party.
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