New Yogurt Recipes: Cashew, Coconut, Goat, and Raw
Homemade Yogurt You Can't get from the store
I have been making lots of new yogurt recipes lately. Many people have been asking about goat yogurt and nondairy yogurts, so I have been experimenting with several versions. I got a non-dairy version of L. reuteri and Yogurt Plus yogurt from a Biotic Pro member, and boy, is it good. This is one of the best-tasting non-dairy versions of L. reuteri yogurt and Yogurt Plus that I have tried. It is thick and creamy and oh-so-good! I've made it many times, and it doesn't seem to separate like other non-dairy versions of L. reuteri. I changed her recipe a little by adding more Prebio Plus and leaving out the honey, but you can experiment with your own version too. This led me to try cashew yogurt without the coconut, and this one is a winner as well. I also made goat's milk yogurt and raw yogurt made with gelatin instead of powdered milk. I have a total of seven new recipes!
I make many different cultured foods, and yogurt is an important one. The yogurts I encourage you to make have different strains that create biodiversity and support different functions in the body.
Homemade Yogurt: A Probiotic Powerhouse
Making yogurt at home allows you to control the ingredients and strains of good bacteria and maximize the probiotic content as compared to buying store bought yogurts. You can't even find some of these yogurts at stores and they are easy and fun to make. Check out all the recipes!
New — Yogurt Plus Recipes
Coconut Cashew Yogurt Plus
Goat Milk Yogurt Plus
Raw Milk Yogurt Plus with Gelatin
Cashew Yogurt Plus
Yogurt Plus Benefits
Yogurt Plus contains the all-important Bifidobacteria. It is one of the most important bacteria you have. It is the one your mother gave you at birth. Bifidobacteria become the predominant (95%) microorganism in the intestine within a week after birth. Yogurt Plus also contains Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus delbrueckii - subsp. bulgaricus bacteria, in perfect symbiosis. Studies have shown that Streptococcus thermophilus and Bifidobacterium longum work on anxiety- and depression-like behaviors. It decreased the level of harmful bacteria, increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and reduced the level of tumor necrosis factor-α in the hippocampus
Check out some of the health benefits of Yogurt Plus:
- Bifidobacteria feed all the other bacteria in your gut.
- Helps with food allergies by restoring missing bacteria
- Helps with anxiety and depression
- Helps decrease obesity and increase insulin sensitivity
- Helps with irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease
New — L. Reuteri Yogurt Recipes
L. Reuteri Goat Superfood Yogurt
Cashew Coconut L. Reuteri Yogurt
Cashew L. Reuteri Yogurt
L. reuteri Yogurt Benefits
L. Reuteri has some powerful health benefits. Most people are missing L. reuteri which is a very important bacteria. If you have had even one antibiotic it is gone. Everybody, including animals, should have specific strains of L. reuteri. Since it is very hard to acquire in supplement form and it lives in the upper gastrointestinal area, making this cultured yogurt is the best way to get more L. reuteri. It can make a huge difference in your life and I highly recommend it. Here are some things that only L. reuteri can do. I've had so many people contact me that have finally rid themselves of SIBO, are having deep sleep, profound feelings of wellness, increased muscle growth, and much more.
Check the benefits of L. reuteri
- Creates oxytocin, the "Love Hormone"
- Can help eliminate SIBO, IBS
- Can help control candida
- Improves skin
- Increases muscle growth and bone density
- Slenderness, and increased Insulin Sensitivity
- Can help with H. pylori
- Can help restore deep restful sleep
Listen To My Podcast
I have been making lots of new yogurt recipes lately. Many people have been asking about goat yogurt and nondairy yogurts, so I have been experimenting with several versions and boy, are they good. I'm excited to share with you different yogurts you can make that can improve your health in powerful ways. Tune it in to learn more.
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