Kombucha Always Brewing Method
Continuous Brew Kombucha
Kombucha is growing in popularity and for good reason. The detoxifying power of kombucha is enormous. It has been recognized for its ability to counteract liver cell toxicity. As you drink kombucha, you will notice a flushing of toxins from your body as it filters toxins through the kidneys and the bowels. It purges you of heavy metals, plastics, and all manner of toxic elements that the body needs to rid from itself. It improves digestion, boosts the immune system, and it makes you feel terrific - which why I drink it every day. It is also great for weight loss and also for clearing up skin issues. The founder of one of the biggest kombucha companies started his business after it helped his mom recover from cancer.
Try A Different Method
You will love kombucha, especially if you are addicted to things like diet sodas or pop. It helped me get off of these unhealthy beverages once and for all and I have never looked back. I even wrote a blog about it, Kombucha – Healing My Addiction
The continuous brew method is one of the easiest ways to make kombucha on a regular basis. This method involves removing only some of the liquid each time it is harvested and replacing with the same amount of freshly brewed sweetened tea. You will find you will have less issues with mold because you will be keeping your brew at a lower pH the whole time it is fermenting.
Ferments Faster!
The larger amount of starter culture will help your kombucha ferment faster - sometimes as quickly as 24 hours. It will brew so well that you might not even need a heating element (such as a heating strip) to keep it warm. This allows you to create a thicker SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast). Also, this will create a lot of health benefits because the good bacteria and yeasts will develop and thrive as they have a continuous supply of food and a large amount of starter culture to help them remain stable. Let's get started!
Kombucha Always Brewing Method
- 1 A continuous brew vessel - It should hold between 1 and 5 gallons, Your vessel or pot should have a plastic spigot located near the bottom
- Cloth or napkin and a secure rubber band
- 6 quarts filtered or spring water with minerals - (not distilled)
- 2 cups sugar - what kind of sugar can i use?
- 8 bags tea - 2 tablespoons loose-leaf tea, what kind of tea can I use?
- 1 kombucha scoby
- 2 cups Kombucha Starter - (fermented Kombucha Tea from a previous batch)
Every ingredient with a link was selected by me to make it easier for you. I may receive a small affiliate commission if you buy something through my links. Thank you! ❤️
- Boil 6 quarts of purified water.
- Add 2 cups sugar to water when a rolling boil is reached. Stir with a spoon until sugar is dissolved completely.
- Turn off heat and add your tea bags or loose tea.
- Steep 10-15 minutes, then remove tea leaves or bags. Let tea cool.
- Pour cooled tea into your brewing vessel (porcelain, glass, or non-lead glazed ceramic).
- Add your Kombucha SCOBY, placing it so that the smooth shiny surface faces up. Add 2 cups of fermented Kombucha Tea from a previous batch.
- Place a cloth over the opening of the jar and secure with a rubber band. This keeps dust, mold, spores, and vinegar flies out of the fermenting tea.
- Allow to sit undisturbed in a well ventilated and darkened place, away from direct sunlight (temp. 65-90 degrees F.) for 6 – 15 days.
- To make sure the tea is ready to harvest, pour off a couple of ounces for a taste test. *Taste Test: A taste test on a batch of Kombucha Tea may taste -not sweet, or overly sour and similar to a tart sparkling apple cider. If it tastes like vinegar it is over fermented.
- When it is done, draw off up to 25% of the kombucha from the pot, bottle it, and replace it with an equivalent amount of new sweet tea. After the initial fermentation, you can draw off kombucha as frequently as you like – usually 1 to 3 times a week – as long as you replace it with an equivalent amount of tea.
- To bottle the kombucha, pour your kombucha into bottles with flip tops or caps. You can use 12,16, or 32 ounce bottles. You can also second ferment your kombucha — See the recipe!
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