Gingerbread: The Healthy Holiday Treat

“An I had but one penny in the world, thou shouldest have it to buy gingerbread.”
William Shakespeare
History Of Gingerbread
It seems that the first known gingerbread recipe was created in Greece in 2400 BC. It spread down through the centuries and across the world until now gingerbread is most commonly thought of as a holiday treat.
It was Queen Elizabeth who invented the gingerbread man. She would serve these little gingerbread men to impress visiting dignitaries, making each gingerbread man to look like the guest.
Gingerbread is a part of American history as well. President George Washington found himself with an invoice for forty-nine pounds of “Cenemont [cinnamon] Gingerbread” that had arrived at Mount Vernon, and billed to the estate of Martha’s first husband, Daniel Parke Custis, who had died two years earlier. Paying the bill and making more purchases thereafter, it was well documented to be a part of the history of the Washington family. In fact, George Washington’s mother, Mary Ball Washington, made her famous gingerbread and served it to the Marquis de Lafayette when he visited her Fredericksburg, Virginia home. Soon after, it was known as Gingerbread Lafayette. This gingerbread recipe was passed down through generations of Washingtons.
Ginger - Nature's Medicine
Ginger - Better Than Ibuprofen
I always have a big chunk of ginger root in my fridge and use it like crazy. When the holidays come around, ginger recipes, and especially gingerbread recipes, are a no-brainer. "Food as medicine" is the way that I live my life. Cultured foods are front and center, but there are many other things I turn to when we need extra help and one of the most important is ginger. Whether it's high blood sugars1 muscle cramps,2 nausea and motion sickness, asthma,3 or hay fever, it's ginger that fits the bill in a powerful way. Considered stronger than a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), ginger works to relieve pain in many ways. If you'd like to read more, check out this post.
Healthy Blackstrap Molasses
Molasses is what gives gingerbread its rich deep color, and blackstrap molasses has its own health benefits. Blackstrap molasses is the molasses you should choose as it contains vital vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin B6, and selenium. Blackstrap molasses is absorbed more slowly than other sweeteners which helps to keep blood sugar stabilized. Combine ginger with blackstrap molasses and other healthy ingredients and you not only have a treat but something that is healthy and healing to the body.
I love knowing how food can benefit the cells of the body. Food is woven into who we are. I find it fascinating to learn the history of foods, and also how we can incorporate them into helping us be healthy and taste delicious!
Check out my Gingerbread Recipes below and for my Biotic Pro Members, get my Cultured Christmas eBook!
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Be happy, healthy, and filled with joy!

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Gingerbread is one of those special recipes that has two of my favorite ingredients: ginger and blackstrap molasses. Loaded with vitamins and minerals it makes a really wonderful healthy treat. I have lots of recipes and listen and learn the history of gingerbread!
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