Cultured Christmas Gifts
Fermented Foods For The Holidays

We All Need Cultured Foods
🎄 We All Need Cultured Foods 🎄
The holidays are here, and we all need all the help we can get! One of the most wonderful things about cultured probiotic foods is how fun it is to make them a part of your everyday life—especially around the holidays. The good microbes in these foods consume sugars; and when you enjoy them, they help bring balance to your body.
For instance, imagine having them as a condiment at your holiday table: 🥂 a glass of kombucha, a spoonful of cranberry kefir relish, or some cultured veggies like Christmas Kraut. 🥗 These foods will help you digest all the delicious dishes you eat with them. They can even keep you from overeating since they’re so nutrient-dense, and they help balance your blood sugar.
And let's talk about those breads and desserts we love this time of year. 🍰 If you make them using einkorn flour or sourdough, you’ll support your digestion and get more nutrients from the treats you enjoy. Plus, they’re absolutely delicious and so much fun to make!
Make Them For Friends and Families
Our friends and families need cultured foods, too, but maybe they don't realize it. So many people are struggling with illnesses and the fear of becoming sick. They don't understand the miraculous vessel we live in. Our immune system is the great weapon we have against disease but many don't heed its call, and then symptoms come and we're plunged into figuring out what to do. It's not an easy thing to change, and usually people have to experience a crisis to actually change some of their habits. But I'm here to tell you it's not as hard as you think. The cells of your body want to be well, but they can't override the harmful habits that most people engage in every day. Here is what I do know - if they decide to change, even just a little bit, their body will help them. So here is my plan. Let's spread a little wellness by sharing some cultured Christmas gifts with people we love. It could make the world a better place as people get healthier. What if wellness was the norm and sickness was rare?
This is the year that the holidays are going to make you healthy. Let's add some probiotic foods to our meals and everything you eat with them will be digested easier, availing you of more nutrients as the powerful microbes assist you in everything you eat. These foods are fun to make and delicious. Make it a habit to consume one probiotic food with each holiday meal and watch how much better it makes you feel.
"If we are to have any hope for the future, those who have lanterns must pass them on to others."Plato
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Cultured Food Christmas Gifts
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