
Warm Up With Prebiotic Marshmallow Hot Chocolate

By Donna Schwenk / December 9, 2023

New Hot Chocolate Traditions Cozy up with Healthy Hot chocolate I love the holidays and all the festive foods. It makes me so happy to make holiday foods; but as the years have gone by, I learned that I needed to incorporate healthy holiday treats that not only satisfy my cravings around the holidays but…

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Building Up The All-Important Bifido Bacteria

By Donna Schwenk / April 15, 2023

Missing Microbes One of the most important bacteria you have is called Bifidobacteria. It is the one your mother gave you at birth. Bifidobacteria become the predominant (95%) microorganism in the intestine within a week after birth. [1,2,3] They call it the young bacteria and it is extremely important for adults too, although it often…

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