Posts by Donna Schwenk
L. Reuteri Superfood Starter FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions About L. Reuteri Yogurt This yogurt has shocked me in so many ways, but it wasn’t without its problems. I always shoot straight with you – the health benefits blew my mind and continue to do so, and I don’t recommend anything I don’t make and consume. I didn’t really believe…
Read MoreAre Probiotic Foods Stronger — Than Probiotic Supplements?
Many people wonder if probiotic pills provide the same benefit as probiotic foods since they seem to be marketed in the same way—healthy bacteria for our guts. However, probiotic foods work significantly better because of their construction […]
Read MoreEight Probiotic Foods to Always Keep in Your Fridge
When it comes to cultured/probiotic and fermented foods, I am officially obsessed. Not everyone is going to make as many of these foods as I do; but once you get started, it’s an exciting journey! Here are the top seven probiotic foods I ALWAYS have on hand, and why. . .
Read MoreL. Reuteri — The Bacteria You’re Missing and the Superfood Yogurt I Love!
The Journey — Finding answers Before refrigeration in 1927, everybody fermented their food. It was what people did to keep their foods safe and preserved. They would ferment their milk and their vegetables. They also made drinks teeming with good yeasts and bacteria – water could be risky since it wasn’t always clean. They would…
Read MoreHow Gut Microbes Tell Your Hormones What to Do
Female hormones are complex and beautifully made. But take those hormones and ignore them, and they will get your attention through symptoms of discomfort that can lead to disease and believe you me, they can wreak havoc on your life. There is no giant step that accomplishes this, just a lot of little steps that can make all the difference.
Read MoreKefir and Diabetes
I remember that day quite vividly. It was over fifteen years ago. It was February and bitter cold outside. I made myself a breakfast that I thought was healthy – high-fiber cereal and skim milk. Thirty minutes later a terrible feeling came over me […]
Read MoreEarl Grey Probiotic Pickles 📹
Fermented pickles are the best pickles. Cultured pickles are super powerful, but so is the brine they are made in. The powerful bacteria in cultured veggies is called Lactobacillus plantarum. It is a powerful weapon against pathogens that try to invade the body. It will steal nutrients from pathogens and they will die unable to survive while Lactobacillus plantarum is around. . .
Read MoreFermented Foods vs Fiber — Guess Who Wins?
Fermented Foods Stun Researchers Nothing has changed me more than cultured foods. I’ve consumed them for over twenty years and nothing is more convincing than your own life experience. I’ve done many studies on myself and my family and hands down fermented foods are here to stay in my life. They create such wellness for…
Read More7 Reasons I Eat Cultured Vegetables
Cultured vegetables have special powers that go far beyond regular vegetables. I love them and reach for them day after day and in times of special need. They can be powerful food – like medicine – and so I always have several jars in my refrigerator. […]
Read MoreHesperidin: The Amazing Flavonoid in Orange Juice
Hesperidin’s Amazing Benefits I am very fortunate to have many fruit trees on my property. I have several varieties of orange trees and I am constantly trying to find ways to use the oranges, but never did I realize how powerful oranges and their juice can actually be. Orange juice contains special compounds that have…
Read MoreWhat are Cultured Vegetables?
Forget everything you think you know about vegetables and let me tell you what happens when you culture them. Grow your own probiotics in a jar of vegetables, and you’ll be shocked and amazed at all they can do. […]
Read MoreSourdough FAQs
Helpful Tips for sourdough bread The secret to good sourdough bread is in the bubbly sourdough starter. (You can buy my live starter here.) To make a really bubbly sourdough starter, you must feed it a ratio of one to one to one. So what this means is 1/2 cup of sourdough starter and 1/2…
Read MoreMaking Winter Kombucha
Kombucha is a wonderful probiotic drink and something you should really consider drinking daily during cold and flu season. The special probiotic yeast in kombucha (Saccharomyces boulardii, which cannot be killed by antibiotics) can help you stay healthy when viruses are all around you. […]
Read MoreBest of Cultured Food Life 2021: Our Top Articles!
Good Tidings of Comfort and Joy! Our Most Popular Articles of 2021 I’m chasing a feeling when I cook, write blogs, come up with recipes, and even when I eat food that makes me feel good. That feeling is joy and the things I give my attention to determine how often that occurs. When I…
Read MoreOvereating During the Holidays? Cultured Foods Can Help
One of the most important things I’ve learned about health and wellness is that overeating can be just as stressful on your hardworking liver as drinking too much, but most people don’t know this. Overeating or having too much fatty food on your plate can make it difficult for the liver to function smoothly. . .
Read MoreAn Apple Peel a Day Keeps The Doctor Away
The Bacteria that keeps your gut lining intact Do you know the old English-language proverb that appeared in the 19th century that said, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away “? There may be more truth to this than we know. Apples have been associated with a number of benefits that could help promote…
Read MoreGingerbread: The Healthy Holiday Treat
Food as medicine is the way that I live my life. Cultured foods are front and center, but there are many other things I turn to when we need extra help and one of the most important is ginger. […]
Read More20 Ways To Use Fermented Garlic!
There are certainly many ways to enjoy garlic, but having a jar of fermented garlic in your fridge is easy and convenient to use. You can use this in so many ways, and it is even great to hand on hand for heated recipes. […]
Read MoreHMOs and Bifidobacterium — Why They’re So Important For Your Gut
One of the most important Bacteria In Your Gut For years I’ve been looking for a way to increase Bifidobacterium. I’ve been wanting to discuss this all-important gut bacteria, but first I wanted to figure out how to significantly produce more of it since it diminishes with age. The more Bifidobacterium you have, the more…
Read MoreCandida and Cultured Foods
I get hundreds of emails about the subject of Candida, and a lot of them are asking me why so many health care practitioners don’t recommend the consumption of fermented foods if you have Candida. […]
Read MoreHow To Make Your Own Vinegar — 5 Different Recipes!
Homemade Vinegar In the fall, I like to make homemade vinegar for Christmas gifts. It’s the perfect time of year since temperatures cool down and vinegar likes cooler temperatures (68 to 70 degrees F) rather than warmer temps to do their fermentation. I’ve had so many people ask me if they could buy a bottle…
Read MoreHow to Make Kefir Cheese and Whey
Kefir Cheese and Whey Making kefir whey and cheese is something I do many times a week. It doesn’t take long, and the whey will culture a multitude of foods. The whey in kefir has many benefits, so don’t throw it out! One of the things I hope to accomplish with this blog is to…
Read MorePumpkin Seed Sourdough Bread
Fall Sourdough Bread “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables It’s cool, misty, and foggy this morning as I write this blog. It truly feels like fall even though the temperatures will climb higher later in the week. It makes me want to…
Read MoreWater Kefir or Kefir Soda? Two Different Ways to Make Probiotic Soda
Which Is Better? Kefir Soda Versus Water Kefir I love kefir soda, but this is a slightly different process from making water kefir that is made with water kefir crystals. When you make water kefir with crystals, you make your first ferment and then you ferment it again to flavor it. This is a two-step…
Read MoreWhy You Should Eat Berries Every Day — 50+ Recipes
Berries and I have a love affair. I eat them every morning for breakfast with kefir and for snacks too. I recently began adding a red berry phenol powder to my smoothies to get even more benefits, and what a difference it has made. I have over 50 recipes in this article and even more…
Read MoreResistant Starch — The Key To Extraordinary Health Benefits
Feed those Microbes and watch what Happens I’m constantly learning new things about the benefits of bacteria but especially what feeds these tiny microbes that keep us healthy and thriving. It’s been over two decades of eating fermented foods and the new discoveries have never stopped. Something I’ve learned throughout the years is that you’re…
Read MoreWhy People Fight Over Kefir
The Many Legends of Kefir One of my favorite things about kefir is the many stories, legends, and history behind it. It has been around for thousands of years and the stories are many, as are the mystics behind this food. It would make a great documentary! One of the first stories I heard dates…
Read MoreYour Microbes Love Coffee Just As Much As You Do
I love coffee, and I drink a cup every day. Some believe it’s not good for you, but I’ve gotten so many benefits from it that I just knew this couldn’t possibly be true. I have a philosophy about the foods I eat. If I eat or drink something that I know is bad for me, I can never get a positive result from it. […]
Read MoreKefir Mousse
Staying healthy can be a daunting challenge for most people. Life gets crazy at times, but most of the articles I write are meant to give you little things you can do that can make a big difference. […]
Read MoreFood For Thought — Fix Your Gut Fix Your Life
For many years, I’d read thousands of books that I had stacked by my bed – and thank goodness for Kindle! I read books on what foods are best for you and tried gazillions of diets and still couldn’t figure it all out. […]
Read MoreHow Many Calories in Kefir?
Kefir can be made with many different kinds of milk, be it non-dairy or dairy milk. It differs in calories and nutritional differences depending on which type of milk you use. Kefir is far superior to regular milk. Fermentation is the alchemy of milk. […]
Read More7 Ways to Use Your Extra Kefir Grains
I love my kefir grains and they love me. It’s true! We’ve been in a long relationship for over twenty years and they never cease to amaze me with everything they can do. […]
Read MoreFermented Sweet Pickle Relish
Every year I plant my garden, anxious for my fruits and veggies. But each year I don’t plant cucumbers because each year they come back anyway. They will sprout in different places in my garden, always in a place where they can have lots of room. […]
Read MoreFifteen Kefir Ice Creams
I’m always looking for ways to enjoy my kefir, and kefir ice cream can be enjoyed anytime – even for breakfast! If you don’t have an ice cream maker that sits on the counter, you may want to consider owning one as they are a great investment. […]
Read MoreCooling Down With Cultured Foods
I live in a desert climate – hot during the day and cool at night. When it gets hot, it’s really hot. Today it’s 100°F and I’m looking for foods that cool me down. […]
Read More10 Ways and Reasons to Use Your Cultured Veggie Brine!
Cultured vegetables are super powerful, but so is the brine they are made in. The powerful bacteria in cultured vegetables called Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) is a powerful weapon against pathogens that can invade your body and try to make you their host. […]
Read MoreThe Probiotic Superstar in Cultured Veggies
I have been getting a lot of letters asking if you can ferment vegetables with water kefir or kombucha. You can ferment vegetables with these two different cultures, but the vegetables tend to get mushy and don’t last very long. […]
Read MoreWhat Kind of Milk Do I Use To Make Kefir?
There are many ways to make kefir with many different types of milk, and believe me, I’ve tried them all. Mostly to try to help you. I have some of my favorites, but I will explain which ones you can use and let you know my favorites too. […]
Read MoreSummer Sourdough Bread — Grilled or Baked
When I walk into my kitchen each day, I see the bread knife and cutting board scattered with crumbs. It is a daily occurrence; and although I like a clean kitchen, this is one thing I tolerate with pleasure. . .
Read MoreKefir Made Easy
When your feet hit the ground in the morning are you pumped about the day? Do you feel appreciation and love for others? Do you have energy that will last all day? Did you know that you are supposed to feel this way? […]
Read MoreWhy You Should Be Growing and Eating Sprouts In a Jar
Fermenting, sprouting, and soaking are all ways I enhance my food. These are the heroes that help me stay healthy in spite of all that seems to tell me I need to fear aging and all the disease that could come my way. I believe so firmly in wellness that nobody can convince me otherwise. […]
Read MoreCultured Vegetables FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions About Cultured Vegetables It’s my favorite time of the year – when I have an abundance of fresh vegetables that I can ferment. Fermented vegetables can last nine months stored in the refrigerator. They can provide you with months of your own probiotics that are much stronger than supplements. When you eat…
Read MoreSeven Healthy Reasons I Love Dates
It’s Mother’s Day and I’m thinking about my mom who lives 2,637 miles away from me in Leesburg, Virginia. My mom loves, loves dates so this blog is for her. […]
Read MoreProbiotic Salads and Dressings and Why Your Microbes Need Them
There are many reasons you should eat salads. They are one of nature’s perfect foods – they work like medicine. The benefits are many and they’re delicious too! Having fermented dressings is a mainstay in my house and is one of the many ways I add cultured foods to my family’s diet. . .
Read MoreYour Immune System and Seasonal Allergies
I have had seasonal allergies since I was twelve or thirteen years old. For months in the springtime, I locked myself inside the house and turned to drugs and steroids that harmed my immune system. This seemed to be what everybody did and I did the same because I had nowhere else to look. . .
Read MoreThe Most Probiotic Kefir Dip
This recipe has only two cultured ingredients (cultured veggies and kefir cheese) and has more probiotics than any other dip recipe and it’s crazy delicious. […]
Read MoreKombucha FAQs
Kombucha — My Favorite Drink Kombucha has been a part of my life for over twenty years. It was the second cultured food I made, and down through the years I’ve learned so much about this probiotic drink it continues to amaze me. Kombucha has a special probiotic called Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii). S. boulardii…
Read More19 Healing Cultured Carrot Recipes
I was young, nine years old, and sitting in a classroom staring at my teacher’s desk. She had a thermos; and from it she poured a bright orange liquid and I would stare in wonder. I found myself obsessing about what she was drinking. I should have been working in my workbook, but I would watch her every time she went to take a drink. […]
Read MoreMilk Kefir FAQs
Kefir is my favorite cultured food. It has the most probiotic strains of any cultured food (over 50 strains) and is also super easy to make. It was the first cultured food I tried and it made me well in so many ways that I started on a journey to learn all I could about this magical food. […]
Read MoreFermented Foods Can Help With Constipation and Diarrhea
Nobody really wants to talk about constipation and diarrhea, but it’s something everybody deals with at some time in their life. I’ve had so many people find help with these ailments that despite most people not wanting to talk about elimination, it’s something that can be your best teacher if you know what to look…
Read MoreMy Favorite Cultured Foods
Almost two decades ago I had a revelation. No longer could I rely on any individual to solve all my health problems even if it was a medical professional. […]
Read MoreWays To Use Your Extra Sourdough Starter
It’s Tuesday night and I usually make bread on Wednesdays. I take my sourdough starter out of the fridge to feed it. I check it. Does it still have bubbles? Is there hooch on top? If I see a layer of dark liquid (called “hooch”) and no bubbles, this means my starter is really hungry and needs to be fed. […]
Read More6 Ginger Sodas That Can Do Amazing Things
Pain touches everyone in some way; and when this happens, all of us reach for something that we believe will help us. The older I get, the more I find that every ounce of pain is here to teach me something. […]
Read MoreAre You Getting Enough of This Powerful Protein?
I have used bone broths and collagen as a form of natural healing in my life and in the lives of my family members. The older I get, the more I find how essential these foods are to my body. […]
Read MoreEating Cultured Foods For Over 23 Years
The Call Finding My Way To Cultured Foods You have to fight through some bad days to find the best days of your life I have always had a sense of urgency about my life. I never knew why this was, and when I was a young woman with small children my friend said to…
Read MoreKiss Me ~ I’m Cultured 💋
Flashing back to 2001 and my first few months of making kefir, my husband was really leery of it. “Milk sitting on a counter for 24 hours . . . are you sure about this?” he said. He always tries my crazy creations, but it takes him a little bit to wrap his head around it and this one was no exception. […]
Read MoreDo Cultured Veggies Need a Starter?
You do not need a starter culture to make cultured veggies. However, by using a starter you will receive more probiotics and a lot of other benefits. Let me explain your options and you can better choose which is the best method for you. […]
Read MoreEight Days With Kombucha
Watching tea turn into kombucha is quite a thing to behold. You give it the ingredients and let it work its magic. Billions of microbes and yeasts transform the tea into a bubbly probiotic tea that you will love. […]
Read MoreReasons And Recipes To Have More Miso
When people think of miso, they mostly think of miso soup, but it is so much more. It has an incredible microbial makeup and is a nutritional powerhouse and is so simple to make and use in recipes that I’ve found myself making and consuming it almost every day. […]
Read MoreH. Pylori and Fermented Foods
Last October, someone asked a question on my forum.
“Hi! I am a new member, diagnosed with H. Pylori bacteria in July, currently on my second round of tough antibiotics. […]
Read MoreWhat is Sourdough Bread?
Slow Fermented Sourdough Bread The one who gives you their homemade sourdough bread gives you their heart too. I’ve been making sourdough bread for almost 18 years and it is one of my very favorite cultured foods to make. I was twelve years old when I got interested in making my own bread due to…
Read MoreGain Wisdom From Your Kraut
Many of you write to me and ask how you can encourage friends and family to eat these foods. Like you, I notice how sick our loved ones are and want to help them but they don’t always want to listen. […]
Read MoreWhy and How You Should Soak Your Beans, Nuts, Seeds, and Grains
More and more people are eating raw and unprocessed whole foods which is a good thing – unless they’re loaded with enzyme inhibitors and phytates. […]
Read MoreYou Are The One Thing In Life You Can Control
This is the week of the 2020 presidential election. Needless to say, whatever side you’re on, it’s been an intense week and a lot of people are struggling with strong emotions. I’m surprised to say that I’ve lived a long time (60 years) and now have some life experience that really serves me in times of uncertainty and fear. […]
Read MoreKefir Sourdough English Muffins
Get extra Minerals from your Food Making Cultured English Muffins There is a famous bakery in Kansas City called Wolferman’s that sells their gourmet baked goods to many distributors (like Harry & David’s) and has been around since 1888. Every fall I used to drive thirty minutes to get their legendary super-delicious English muffins that…
Read MoreThree Foods That Can Change Your Life ~ The Trilogy and More
Fermentation is an art form and each individual cultured food is, in and of itself, unique. The three foods of The Trilogy each provide different good bacteria and yeasts that enhance the trillions of bacteria in the body and allow them to thrive, grow, and multiply. […]
Read MoreWhy Sprouted Flour is Better Than Regular Flour
Sprouted flour is made by intentionally soaking and germinating grains and then drying them at specific temperatures and milling them into flour.
While I mostly make bread from my sourdough culture (this also unlocks the nutrients), I make almost all my cookies, muffins, and desserts from sprouted flour. I’ve done this for two decades. […]
Read MoreYour Gut Needs Some Cultured Veggie Juice
One morning I woke up hearing voices in the hall. It was my husband and daughter Holli, and I could hear Holli crying. She was throwing up and having diarrhea and was very upset about it. In our family, we are so accustomed to wellness that when someone gets sick, it feels like the world is coming to an end. Holli was pale and holding her stomach and saying it was cramping and begging me to fix it. […]
Read MoreI Was Lost, Until I Did This. . .
“How do I apply all this cultured food stuff to my life? Where and how do I get started?” This is something that I hear quite often. People want to change their life and feel better but don’t know where to start. […]
Read MoreProbiotic Foods for Different Ailments
Probiotics have become an exciting frontier in health and wellness. Most people only think about probiotic supplements in a bottle, but today we’re talking about foods that have probiotics in them. These probiotic foods have billions more probiotics than supplements. . .
Read MorePreserving Gut Health As You Age
This last year I’ve been thinking a lot about how I want to live the rest of my life. My husband’s father and stepmom died and so did my dog. It is times like these that help me to reevaluate things in my life and how I want to live and be remembered.[…]
Read MoreGrow Your Own Probiotics
A lot of suffering in this world comes from the fear of discomfort. In my own personal life, pain has come to teach me things and get me to change. […]
Read MoreHow to Make Your Kefir Creamy Again
“Kefir is worth the trouble of making. Like all things virtuous, you have to struggle to gain the reward. Trust me, the rewards are many.” Donna In these summer months, has your kefir been fermenting faster and turning into curds and whey before you know it? In the summertime, kefir can change and many people…
Read MoreSix Reasons (and Recipes) to Eat Fermented Pickles
My 23-year-old son, DJ, called me from his home. He was very sick with a stomach flu and was in a considerable amount of pain with stomach cramps throughout the night. With a half cup of pickle juice in hand, I went over to his home. I went into his room which was dark with no lights. […]
Read More8 Ways To 2nd Ferment Kombucha
There are a million reasons why you shouldn’t drink regular sodas that are laden with high fructose corn syrup, dyes, and chemicals that are hard on the body. Kombucha provide minerals and probiotics, and it is easy and fun to make. Replace your drinks with kombucha and you will have fewer cravings for sugary soft…
Read MoreFood Care is Health Care
It’s pretty crazy these days listening to all the talk about health care and what to do about it. It’s causing a lot of fear and one I am well acquainted with. Do you ever wonder why your life takes certain paths and contains certain challenges? I do, and I was contemplating that this week as I listened to people debating on TV about health care. […]
Read MoreCan Fermented Vegetables Help with COVID-19?
In my own personal experience and those whom I help through my website, we have all seen tremendous help and healing from eating fermented foods and especially when dealing with any kind of virus. […]
Read MoreYour Body Was Designed to Heal You
How did I get here? I was a new mother at 41 years old, falling apart, and paralyzed with fear. I was sick with diabetes and suffered from high blood pressure. I also had a brand new premature baby girl in my lap. I knew that I was in trouble and I desperately needed help. I begged for help. […]
Read MoreThe Must-Have Food Medicine – in Your Fridge
One day my daughter Holli came running into the room and burst into tears. She cried and said, “Help me! My stomach hurts so bad.” And then she ran to the bathroom and started throwing up. She had spent the night with a friend who had just had the same thing, so I’m pretty sure she picked it up from her. […]
Read MoreWill Eating Probiotic Foods Make Any Difference?
Most of you don’t know what processes are actually happening inside of you every day. There are microorganisms everywhere and you can’t see them, but they are inhabiting you and everything else. […]
Read MoreWhy You Should Know About Short-Chain Fatty Acids and Fermented Foods
I’m constantly learning new things about the benefits of bacteria. It’s been almost two decades of eating fermented foods and the new discoveries have never stopped. […]
Read MoreMy Favorite Cultured Vegetable Recipe
A few years back, a woman named Shelley came to my cultured food class. I couldn’t stop staring at her while I spoke, and I told my daughter that I thought I saw a light over her and was trying to figure out where it was coming from. […]
Read MoreTwo Ways to Make Fermented Red Onions
I love red onions and we eat a ton of onions on everything. Making a jar of fermented red onions allows us to eat them often because they taste so good and are stored in my fridge – already chopped and ready to eat. […]
Read More20 Smart Ways To Use Your Kombucha SCOBYs!
So, you all keep asking . . . What do I do with all these SCOBYs?! If you are anything like me, you have a pile of SCOBYs in a massive SCOBY hotel just waiting . . . It feels somehow wrong to throw them away when you have taken care of them and watched them grow! […]
Read MoreBreakfast Sourdough Bread
This is the bread I make at least two or three times a week. As my business has been growing and I found myself with less time, this bread recipe has become the bread I make most often. It only has four ingredients and takes about 5 minutes to throw together. […]
Read MoreKefir Ranch Dressing
When I was growing up, my mom had a big garden. We would help her pick the green beans, broccoli, and tomatoes; and without fail, I wouldn’t want to eat the veggies. […]
Read MorePrebiotics – As Important as Probiotics
In the last few years, I have been researching and ingesting a lot of prebiotics; and what I have discovered is that prebiotics are just as important as probiotics. What is a prebiotic and why is this so important? Prebiotics are certain indigestible fibers that nourish the good bacteria in the large bowel or colon. […]
Read MoreNow is the Time to Start Making Kefir Cheese
If you love cheese then you really need to learn to make kefir cheese. It’s crazy easy, filled with probiotics, and you can use it in a million different ways. I make kefir cheese in big and small batches and I want to show you how you can do it too. […]
Read MoreYou and Your Housemates Share the Same Bacteria
It was the summer of 2003. A friend came into my kitchen and asked what was on my counters. I excitedly told her about my beloved cultures and I watched her face change expressions. “These jars have been brewing for days on your counters?” […]
Read MoreKombucha Bread and Muffins
Five-Ingredient Bread If you want a fast and easy probiotic bread, then you’re in for a treat with Kombucha Bread. The naturally-occurring carbonation in kombucha will also raise your bread without baker’s yeast. And since this probiotic yeast is resistant to heat, you will actually receive some probiotics too. S boulardii feeds on the sugars…
Read MoreDairy-Free Kefir – Every Kind You Can Imagine
I have seen many people benefit from kefir, and this includes non-dairy kefir. So many people need a dairy-free version, so we created just about every kind of non-dairy kefir we could think of. […]
Read MoreHow to Care For Your Sourdough Starter
I usually make sourdough bread once or twice a week. I make sourdough more than sprouted bread as my family likes it better and I enjoy making it so much. There is nothing as special as having a sourdough starter that has your own unique yeasts from your kitchen and hometown – that makes it uniquely your own. […]
Read MoreHelp Is On The Way
It’s March 18th, 2020, and the novel coronavirus has everybody staying home and worried about the future. This day also happens to be my 60th birthday so I’m making my own healthy birthday cake and baking a loaf of sourdough bread. […]
Read MoreThe Most Powerful Cultured Veggies
I had no idea just exactly what I was making when I created this recipe several years ago. I just thought the combination tasted good and seemed to give me spectacular results during cold and flu season, so I kept making them and giving them to my family. […]
Read MoreAnti-Viral Cultured Foods
There is a lot of fear flying around about the flu and especially the coronavirus. If I can help you understand what happens in your body and how it works when you get the flu, or what it can do to protect yourself, then perhaps it will […]
Read MoreFermented Foods and IBS
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is usually identified by a group of symptoms: abdominal pain, bloating, and a change in bowels that can alternate between diarrhea and constipation. […]
Read MorePumpernickel Sourdough Bread
I have always loved dark pumpernickel bread. Its rich, sweet flavors have been one of my favorite breads to eat plain, or with soups, or with sandwiches. […]
Read MoreEverybody’s Favorite Kefir Dip
I’ve been eating cultured foods for two almost two decades and this recipe has been on the blog almost from the very beginning. I’m always scrambling to make recipes that my family would enjoy and eat that have probiotics and prebiotics. […]
Read MoreMy Kefir Is Too Sour!
Perhaps you’ve seen this happen, and it even happens to me from time to time: My kefir will get really sour. This can happen for several reasons. During your first ferment, you let your kefir ferment too long on your counter, or your house might be warmer than usual. […]
Read MoreBest of Cultured Food Life 2019: Our Top Articles!
I hope 2019 was a wonderful year for you. I hope you incorporated cultured foods into your life and saw the difference they can make. I’ve been making and eating these foods for almost two decades and they never cease to amaze and teach me. […]
Read MoreHow To Second Ferment Your Water Kefir
Water kefir tastes pretty plain unless you second ferment it. You can choose your favorite juice and make a delicious bubbly drink that is loaded with probiotics. Here is an easy recipe to give you an easy guideline to follow. […]
Read MoreHow To Make The Probiotic That Inhibits Candida
I love kombucha and not just because it tastes fantastic but because it has a special probiotic called Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii). It is an incredible probiotic and when you make kombucha you can get lots of this powerful probiotic yeast. […]
Read MoreReasons To Love Almond Kefir
I love almonds and they make wonderful kefir. Some people call almonds the healthiest food in all the world and they have tons of health benefits. But I know a thing or two about almonds that perhaps you do not know. […]
Read MoreFibromyalgia and Fermented Foods
Fibromyalgia is one of the fastest-growing disabling conditions. It affects 2-4 percent of the population and has no known cure. It seems to affect mostly women, and I see it cropping up everywhere. […]
Read MoreWill Bacteria Keep You Young?
I remember the day I learned that the human gut held as much as six pounds of bacteria. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t known this and wanted to know more about my trillions of microbes. Could I help them grow and thrive, and in the process live a healthier, longer life? […]
Read MoreWhich Are The Best Sweeteners?
It’s been quite a journey for me trying to find the right sweeteners for me and my family. It was always really important to me to find ones that wouldn’t spike my blood sugar but also wouldn’t harm my gut flora. […]
Read MoreThe FODMAP Diet for SIBO, IBS, and Probiotic Foods
We all know that food choices can drastically impact health symptoms. So, it’s no surprise that diets are continuously developed for different health conditions or symptoms. IBS and SIBO sufferers have a difficult time finding things to eat that don’t flare symptoms. […]
Read MoreChai Spice Kombucha with Blackberries Video
Kombucha is a wonder drink and for good reason. I drink it every day and let me explain to you how it all works. Just as yeast makes bread rise, the good yeasts in kombucha make your tea bubbly. One certain probiotic yeast found in kombucha is called Saccharomyces boulardii. […]
Read MoreDid Kombucha Heal My Husband’s Eyes?
My husband is used to my crazy new ideas and has become accustomed to my enthusiasm for whatever happens to be my latest discovery. He goes along for the ride but never jumps in with both feet until coaxed. Kombucha was the first food he really grasped on to, and here is why. […]
Read MoreFermented Jalapenos and Sourdough Bread
It’s summertime and this is my sourdough starters favorite time of year. I love making bread in the summertime as my bread and sourdough starter will always rise higher due to the warmer temperatures. Even though many don’t like heating up their homes with the oven in the summertime, I have ways to do this that has minimal effects. […]
Read MoreGet Cultured at The Green Dragon 🐉
Spend a day and immerse yourself into the world of making and eating cultured foods. Donna combines an inspiring day of information with lessons on how to make our trio, The Trilogy: kefir, kombucha, cultured vegetables, and extra info on sourdough bread, and water kefir. You’ll receive a delicious lunch and you’ll be taking home your own jar of cultured vegetables that will give you a starter for many more vegetables to come. . .
Read MoreThoughts and Habits That Changed Everything
In March 2010 I was turning fifty years old and facing down demons in my life. Our home was going on the auction block on my birthday. I was fighting fear and had two voices in my head. One was filled with hope, the other with panic and fear. Looking back on this time, I remember it so vividly. Months of fear slowly began to turn to hope and for no other reason than I stopped listening to the voice of fear and started to believe that no matter what, I was guided and loved and it would be ok. . .
Read More12 Reasons to Eat Cucumber Kimchi
I love cultured veggies, but mostly I love the bacteria that make these cultured veggies Super Veggies. Lactobacillus plantarum (L. plantarum) has been found in experiments to help you feel less anxiety and depression. It does this by working on the hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor. . .
Read MoreHow To Make Kefir Donut Holes
I’m always looking for recipes that give us healthy foods that are fun to eat and also help feed our good bacteria. It’s also important that the recipe be easy to make and not time-consuming. These donut holes are gluten-free and have lots of healthy fiber-rich ingredients. Not only do these treats have probiotics from the kefir, but they have lots of prebiotics too. You’ll be changing your microbiome with every bite. . .
Read More10 Natural Miracles I Found To Lower Stress
Stress is an alarm clock. It’s your body trying to communicate with you, sending you alert notices; but so few of us listen and I am no different from you. This is a very personal subject for me. Stress made its presence known to me in 2016, but I didn’t listen. I just ignored the signs. I was working like crazy for years and adding more and more pressure to myself. . .
Read More7 Reasons I Eat Sourdough Bread
So as I write, I’m waiting for my starter to become bubbly. Sourdough bread is only flour, water, and salt. It’s hard to believe it […]
Read MorePersonal Reasons My Family Eats Cultured Foods
Everybody I know leads busy lives, but did you know there is always help for you? My family had a lot of big changes in 2017, but a constant through it all was the way each member of my family used and ate cultured foods. Maybe this could be the answer for you, too. But first, the journey. . .
Read MoreEasy Ways To Heal Your Microbiome
I talk a lot about your body and what your body is made out of. Those 100 trillion microbes (which is more than ten times the cells in the body) that call you home are your constant companions. Most of you don’t even know your microbes because you can’t see them, but they know you and work their darndest to keep you alive each day. . .
Read MoreCan Your Gut Heal Your Joints?
When I first started with cultured foods almost two decades ago, one of the first things I noticed was the relief of joint pain in my knee. This was in the very beginning of drinking and making kefir every day. If I quit drinking kefir, it only took about three to four days before the pain would return, so I kept drinking my kefir. . .
Read MoreBest of Cultured Food Life 2018: Our Top Articles!
I hope 2018 was a wonderful year for you. I hope you incorporated cultured foods into your life and saw the difference they can make. I’ve been making and eating these foods for over sixteen years and they never cease to amaze and teach me. I hope you will look to this next year as a chance to find the you that you were always meant to be – healthy and happy. . .
Read MoreMy Personal Christmas Story – That Changed Everything
This is one of the most personal blogs I have ever written. I wrote it several years ago, but what I didn’t know was that the pain was the catalyst that changed everything in my life. I hope it will help you, inspire you, and encourage you to never give up, even when things look like they are going in the wrong direction. . .
Read MoreHistory of Kefir, Kombucha, and Fermented Vegetables
We all have trials and struggles throughout our lives and often these struggles have brought me to my knees. But without fail, each and every one of them has been a blessing in disguise. The pain turned to wisdom and I found myself so grateful for the struggle that brought me so much pain. . .
Read MoreGot an Acidic Stomach? The Surprising Remedy
In 2017, we moved across the country from Kansas City to Southern California to be closer to our two older children. Our family – Ron, me and our three kids and our son-in-law – are thick as thieves. I’ve always lived far away from my mom and dad and sisters who mostly reside on the east coast. […]
Read MoreSymptoms of an Unbalanced Gut
Sometimes I wonder how I got here. Symptoms of disease struck my life almost two decades ago and it broke me. Those symptoms shook me to my core and I didn’t know that my body was desperately trying to get my attention to help me heal. And heal I did. With a grateful heart, I’m here trying with all I know to help you too. . .
Read MoreWhich is Better – Water Kefir or Milk Kefir?
People often ask me about water kefir and milk kefir and which type of kefir I think is more beneficial. Water kefir is a non-dairy kefir that is gaining in popularity. Many people start with this method of making kefir because it’s so easy and fun and they want a non-dairy option. . .
Read MoreMy Kombucha’s Not Bubbly?
Bubbly, fizzy kombucha is one of my favorite things. Understanding the science behind how it works can help you create the carbonation that most people are looking for. Let me explain to you how it all works. When making kombucha, the fermenting tea will form a SCOBY on top. . .
Read MoreFermenting Tip: Put a Lid on It?
When making milk kefir, many people have been taught to use a cloth and rubber band over the jar. This is one of the most common things that cause problems. When a cloth is used to cover a vessel for kefir, there is a risk of cross-contamination with wild yeasts in the air or even from other cultures, or foods nearby. . .
Read MoreFermented Asian Salad Video! 📹
This salad is one of my very favorite cultured meals. It’s perfect for summertime and a wonderful way to change your microbiome from the inside out. I try to eat fruits and veggies at every meal. It is one of the best ways to stay balanced and it’s fantastic for lowering inflammation, balancing your hormones, and keeping those little microbes in your gut fed and happy. . .
Read MoreCocoa Kefir Krunch Puff Breakfast Video! 📹
This is my daughter Holli’s favorite breakfast. I make extra servings of the crunch topping and store it in a jar for her to use whenever she makes her morning smoothie. This was the recipe that really changed her more than any other recipe. My family is like everybody else. . .
Read MoreProbiotic Kefir Nut Butter Video! 📹
This recipe is in my new book Cultured Food in a Jar. I only make recipes that are easily incorporated into my life because I’m crazy busy and I want recipes to care for my body and busy microbes. This recipe fits the bill. It has only two ingredients and it’s so easy to make. […]
Read MoreIs Kefir the Answer for Acid Reflux?
One of the first things I noticed when we started drinking kefir was the help my husband received with eliminating his acid reflux. It was quite surprising to me since he popped antacids like they were candy. . .
Read MoreLearn How To Make Water Kefir
Water kefir grains, or we call them kefir crystals, are unlike milk kefir grains as they thrive on sugars and not lactose. These special probiotic yeasts and beneficial bacteria in the water kefir crystals consume the sugar in the sugar water, and they produce probiotics, new enzymes, vitamins, and help repopulate your gut flora. . .
Read MoreOvernight Sourdough Bread
I think fermentation is essential to bread making. If you don’t use the help of microbes to make the bread, you won’t get the nutrients out of the bread and gluten will become a problem. I’ve made a lot of sourdough bread and I have a new method that is working spectacularly. . .
Read MoreYour Kidneys Might Need Some Kefir
I’ve received several emails from people who have been greatly helped by cultured foods in regards to kidney health. More and more medical research is showing great benefits to using probiotics for kidney health […]
Read MoreI Stopped Eating Cultured Foods ~ Here’s What Happened!
I’ve been eating cultured foods for almost sixteen years. I eat them most every day with very few exceptions. When I first started eating cultured foods, I had diabetes, high blood pressure, joint pain, and felt discouraged and depressed […]
Read MoreI Am Having Difficulty Straining My Kefir 📹
I love kefir that is thick like yogurt. However, it can sometimes be difficult to strain out the kefir grains. There is a super easy remedy for this. Enjoy the benefits of kefir and find an easy and quick way to strain it. Check out the video for tips. […]
Read More7 Reasons to Make Goat Milk Kefir
Goat milk was a godsend for my tiny daughter, Holli. She was born eight weeks premature and this little one rocked my world. I became a woman on a mission to help her be well. Nursing this tiny infant was a challenge […]
Read MoreWhat’s This On My Cultured Vegetables?
Cultured vegetables are so easy to make with just a few exceptions. First of all, this is one of the safest ways to preserve your vegetables. It is scientifically impossible to get botulism from cultured vegetables. […]
Read MoreHow to Make Bubbly Fruit Flavored Kombucha
There’s nothing better than bubbly fruit flavored kombucha. For those of you who don’t want to spend the money to buy it, you can make it. Many years ago, a friend of mine was in a bad car wreck. He actually broke the steering wheel off with his chest. […]
Read MoreBuffalo Kraut ~ You Simply Must Try
I’m always trying to find ways to help you eat more cultured foods. Taste is important as well as ease, and this recipe captures both. You will love this Buffalo Kraut created by my daughter Maci. It’s crazy good and just a spoonful is going to give you billions of probiotics. […]
Read MoreBest of Cultured Food Life 2017: Our Top Articles and Videos!
I hope 2017 was a wonderful year for you. I hope you incorporated cultured foods into your life and saw the difference they can make. I’ve been making and eating these foods for over fifteen years and they never cease to amaze and teach me. […]
Read More🎄 Twas the Night They Made Kefir — 📹 Video 🎄 🥛
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
no creature was stirring not even a mouse. When out from the kitchen there came such a clatter, a bubbling, and hissing . . . and even a splatter. […]
Autism and Cultured Foods
Her name was Mary and she changed my life the day I met her. It was the very beginning of my journey with cultured foods, and I was in hiding with my newfound knowledge. People didn’t understand what I was doing, and the thought of letting food ferment on your counter […]
Read MoreLife Changing – 20 Second Kombucha Mayo
Mayonnaise is a common condiment that so many of us use regularly. Mayo was said to be the invention of one of the great chefs of France. Marie-Antoine Carême was the personal chef of the Duke de Richelieu in 1756. […]
Read MoreKefir Blueberry Pecan Pancakes
We love pancakes at our house. I mostly make sourdough pancakes, but I made a new pancake recipe this week, and switched out my sourdough starter (which I love) and replaced it with kefir. Oh my, they were wonderful, fluffy pancakes. […]
Read MoreSpanish Kimchi
You really must eat kimchi. Kimchi has a special probiotic that can keep a virus at bay. It can also help with any kind of stomach distress. Just ask the thousands of people in Korea how kimchi protected them from the bird flu epidemic. […]
Read MoreMr. Picky and Cultured Foods
Do you have picky eaters at your house? Do your friends and family scoff at eating cultured foods? Well, let me tell you about Mister Picky Eater, my husband. When I married him (30 years ago) he ate nothing green. […]
Read MoreMy New Book “Cultured Food in a Jar”!
Cookbooks — I have a lot of them, 229 to be exact, and as you can see from the picture of the bookcase in my living room, I have quite a collection. My daughter Maci said to me, “I have a lot of cookbooks too, but you know which one I use the most?” […]
Read MoreNut Milk Kefir That Looks and Tastes Like Thick Yogurt
We went to a nut farm this weekend and found just about every kind of nut you could imagine. Nuts are prebiotic foods and your gut loves them. I love my kefir, but nut milks don’t always make thick and creamy kefir as much as cow’s milk — until now. […]
Read MoreKefir is Your Ally Against Toenail Fungus
So, do you want to know why you have certain persistent problems with things like ringworm, toenail fungus, and athlete’s foot? All of these are caused by a fungus that can spread and grow like crazy and last for years and years. […]
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